Celebrating America's 250th!
Before the Declaration, Westmoreland County had Resolve...and we still do!
On May 16, 1775, frontier settlers in Westmoreland County took a courageous stand against British rule and signed The Hanna's Town Resolves, declaring their willingness to fight for their rights.
Today, you see the resolve and determination of Westmoreland County as we embrace growth while preserving our history, culture, and natural spaces.
Discover Westmoreland where America's story comes alive!
On May 17, 2025, the day will kick-off with a Resolve to Run 5K and Kids race at 8:30 am. Reenactors will reenact the Hanna's Town Resolves andpecial living history demonstrations and displays will also be featured from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Westmoreland County is celebrating America's 250th throughout 2025 and 2026. You'll find all kinds of events on our America's 250th Community Calendar. Scroll down the page to see our event listings. And you're welcome to add your organization's events.
Discover Westmoreland's Volunteer Fair
Parking is FREE at
Glass Mosaic America250PA Bell coming to Westmoreland!

Westmoreland250 Portals Poster
Westmoreland County was founded in 1773 and we celebrated 250 years of Westmoreland County History in 2023.The "Portals of Westmoreland Poster" is a gorgeous 18" x 24" full-color poster of windows and doors of special locations throughout Westmoreland County. It was a grassroots collaborative effort by the Westmoreland Heritage Partners and Smart Growth Partnership of Westmoreland County.
Photographer Alex Newill says, "Historical Westmoreland! When I was approached with this opportunity I was instantly on board. My family is originally from the area and having just moved here in April last year I have been trying to learn more about my roots and all the amazing history in the area. The portals project has supplied me with so much information and shown me how truly incredible this area is. From war forts to ground breaking laboratories to incredible educational tales this place has a very broad history of impressive things. The amount of people banding together to preserve and educate others about what Westmoreland has done for the world makes it a truly special place. I hope you enjoy the pieces put together to commemorate this astounding county in its 250 years, and may this inspire you to visit some of these historical places to see for yourself just how extraordinary Westmoreland County is."
Benefit Westmoreland Heritage Partners by purchasing Posters at:
- Antiochian Village Heritage Museum
- Baltzer Meyer Historical Society
- Compass Inn
- Fort Ligonier
- Historic Hanna's Town
- Murrysville Historical Society
- New Kensington Art Center
- Norwin Historical Society
- Smart Partnership of Westmoreland
- The Westmoreland Museum of American Art
- Westmoreland Land Trust

273 Registered Monarch Waystation for Westmoreland's 250th!

/ 250 Westmoreland Monarch Waystations

The Westmoreland Pollinator Partners goal of 250 Monarch Waystations in Westmoreland County has been reached and EXCEEDED in 2023!
Thanks to the generosity of FirstEnergy (WestPenn Power) and the Westmoreland County’s 250th Anniversary Initiatives, the certification and signage fees for the first 193 Monarch Waystation applications received after March 20, 2023, were covered. Congratulations to all partners and participants! If you have a question about the Monarch Waystations, please email mreckner@brandywine.org.
You can still help the Monarchs: Monarch Waystations provide the resources needed for a monarch butterfly to complete its life cycle, produce new generations, and sustain their migration. Guidelines found at the Monarch Watch website or by connecting with any Westmoreland Pollinator Partner will help you develop or enhance your property to support monarchs and other pollinators, whose populations are all in decline. By densely planting native milkweed and nectar plants in a sunny area and eliminating the use of insecticides and herbicides, you can easily create a Monarch Waystation.
Contribute to this Westmoreland County Community Asset Map
Westmoreland County boasts all sorts of incredible spaces.
Contribute your beloved locations here or by clicking the button. We want to reach 250 sites!
Special thanks to Smart Growth Partnership of Westmoreland County for spearheading this project.
Westmoreland 250 Event Calendar
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